A Few Smart Graphic Design Tips

Graphic design can be daunting, but if you’ve got some basic skills and a creative eye, you might be surprised by how many options there are. With these few smart graphic design tips, you can give your work an added edge that will help it stand out from the pack.

Keep it Simple

The first rule of graphic design is to keep designs simple. Don’t clutter a page or illustration with too much information or lose the user’s attention. Keep graphics clear, clean, and uncluttered; it’s a great rule to follow!

Use Color to Your Advantage

Color is essential in graphic design. It lets you highlight certain parts of your arrangement and draw the user’s eye where you want it. But don’t overcrowd your work with too many colors to grab attention; instead, focus on using one or two bold colors and keep the rest black, white, or gray for contrast.

Use Typography Correctly

Using typography is another excellent tool to get the user’s attention. What typeface and style do you want to use? Why? Is it big and bold or small and subtle? Experiment with fonts until you find one that works for your design.

Know What to Avoid

Avoid using unnecessary pages in your design, such as additional pages at the end of a book or magazine or pages with too many photos. Too much information can make the design look cluttered and unorganized; if users don’t understand what to do next, they won’t be able to follow through with your graphic design ideas.

Subtle is Better Than Bold

To keep your design lively and exciting, you don’t have to use bold and bright colors all over the page; instead, subtle coloring can give your design a certain flair. You can accomplish this with open textures, gradients, off-white backgrounds, and textures in general, or you could use a blend of grayscale to highlight certain parts of the design.

Don’t Forget About Print

When it comes down to it, print is what most people see first when they look at any graphic design. Use this fact wisely by ensuring your graphic design works well in printed form and on the computer screen. Many people will only see your work in print, so you’ll want to consider that.

Get Inspired

Go to art museums and galleries and look around. Get inspired by the artwork you see there! You don’t have to copy it exactly, but it can help flow your creative juices.

Practice Makes Perfect

The more graphics you make, the better you’ll get. The more you work on designs, the more knowledge and practice you’ll get. Take every opportunity to create your graphics and hone your skills. And when it comes down to it, always remember that a graphic design with a simple layout and clear content is the most effective.


This article was just a few tips to help use graphic design ideas; it’s not a complete tutorial with every tip and trick. If you want to learn more, look for other web design tutorials

We believe in providing our clients with clean, professional designs that reflect their unique brand identity. Our motto is "Nothing but clean." We are based in Miami, Florida, and were founded in 2018.


Clean Astic Design

279 Trails End Road, Miami, FL 33131, USA